Information about Ads in Android Apps

Android Apps provided by us are free to download and use!

They do not contain any spyware, malware or virus but may contain ADS in the notification tray and/or home screen from their developers, NOT from PHONEKY!

All necessary permissions are required for displaying advertisements, no personal information is used.

If you notice search shortcuts placed in home screen after installing an app, you can delete them easily and without any effect. (Drag & Drop to the garbage)

You can block some of those ads from these links below:

Lead Bolt Opt-Out App

Air Push Opt-Out App

You can delete Opt-Out App after running it once and completing Opt-Out process.

You can't opt-out Google Admob ads but you can limit them but disabling interest-based ads.

Go to SETTINGS > ACCOUNTS > GOOGLE > ADS > Check the box near "Opt out of interest-based ads"
Android Live Wallpapers service is provided by PHONEKY and it's 100% Free!

Live Wallpapers can be downloaded by Samsung, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, LG, Xiaomi, Lenovo, ZTE and other Android OS mobile phones.
Page information:

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